MBA with Vinny Ferraro


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Mindfulness for At Risk Populations Training with Vinny Ferraro July 6 & 7, 2019, 10-5pm In this training program participants learn theories/tools and techniques for working with at risk populations, including youth, to transform harmful behaviour and live meaningful lives through mindfulness meditation and emotional awareness. Trauma & Resiliency practices will also be introduced. —Highlights: -Learn foundational principles important for establishing a mindfulness program with youth and marginalized communities —Learn concrete tools and techniques to introduce mindful self-awareness and emotional literacy to youth and marginalized communities —Understand specific ways to structure a group to help increase authenticity and reduce resistance —Gain confidence when introducing embodied self-awareness to at-risk youth and other marginalized communities Read more about the incredible Vinny Ferraro

SKU: WKSHPMB16-1 Category: