Global Learning

Courses developed from two decades of program offerings. Now made available to you, from the comfort of home.

Empowered Education

We make independent and flexible learning experiences possible. Engage on your own time, at your convenience.

The Community

Join a global community committed to integrative health and wellness, social change, and regenerative practices.

We've been providing in-person learning experiences for almost two decades in variety of fields of wellbeing. We are now thrilled to make these experiences open to the global community.

Our online courses are adapted from 18+ years of professional educational programs. Courses span the medical arts and sciences, end of life care, environmental health, social justice, to contemplative sciences and mindfulness, and are open to all.

We foster a community of learning that inspires the growth and expansion of not only the individual, but those of the community.

Since our inception, we have developed programs that motivate our community to apply their intellect, resources and learning for the betterment of their communities and the world.


Ontario, Canada 1-888-825-4648