2025 Cohort FULL!

2026 Application will open in March 2025.

CEOLC Application/Registration

The 2025 CEOLC Program begins in January with live zoom sessions on Sat & Sun - March 1&2, April 5&6 12-6pm EST

If you would like to join our CEOLC 2025 program, please fill in your details in this Application/Registration Form below.

There is a non-refundable $50 application fee.

Applications will only be reviewed once the Application fee is paid. The application fee will be deducted from your full tuition payment.

**We ask that you only submit an application/registration form when you are certain you would like to join the program. It takes time to review each application, and if you are not ready to join, please wait to submit.

***Upon acceptance you will be forwarded an invoice for the remaining tuition which is due within one week of acceptance. (Spots are not held).

*Early applications are recommended, as each year we begin with a waiting list.

By checking this box and submitting this application/registration I acknowledge and agree to the following: *All terms, courses, dates, policies are subject to change without notice. *All information filed during this application process become part of your permanent, confidential record. Declaration: I hereby attest that all statements on this application form are true and complete in all respects, and no relevant information has been withheld. I agree and abide by the policies, rules and regulations of the Institute of Traditional Medicine.
By checking this box and submitting this application/registration I acknowledge and agree to the following Refund Policies & Cancellations For any students/participants who wish to withdraw or cancel enrolment in the program or any classes, formal written notice must be given to the the Institute via email to info@itmworld.org. Students are not eligible for any refunds without formal written notice. Transferring enrolment to a future year is also not possible. *There are no refunds on the application fee. Refunds for withdrawals or cancellations prior to the commencement of the program: A) Full tuition is refunded less a $250 administration fee if notice is received within 30 days of acceptance to the program and at least 120 calendar days before the program start date. B) Subject to A, the full tuition is refunded less 50%, if notice is received less than 120 and more than 90 calendar days before the commencement of the program. C) Subject to A, there are no refunds 90 calendar days before the commencement of the program nor after the program begins. (Note: if you register less than 90 calendar days before the commencement of the program, you will not receive a refund of any amount if you withdraw).
By checking this box and submitting this application/registration I acknowledge and agree to the following: I, the participant release the organizers of the training and their directors, sponsors, employees and agents from any liability for death, disability, injury and property damage. The participant acknowledges the risks involved with participating in the program, and assumes all responsibility, and waives any claims they may have. The participant agrees that they have informed the organizers of any relevant medical (health or mental) concerns that they may have. *I am acknowledging that I have read, understand and agree to the refund and cancellation policies and waiver, and understand and agree that a default in my tuition obligations for this program will be submitted to a third party and may affect my credit rating.
By checking this box I acknowledge and agree to the following: I, the participant am aware of and agree that to receive a certificate for this training I am responsible for reviewing the materials of the course, completing the assignments and attending all live zoom sessions. If for any reason I miss any of the live sessions (more than one hour of any live session) - I will not be eligible for the certificate. If a live session (more than one hour is missed) I may re-enrol and pay for the missed live session the following year only. If I miss more than one full module live session, re-enrolment and re-payment of the full program is required for issuing of a certificate. There are no exceptions to this policy.
Please specify the payment option of your choice. *Please note due dates. Once accepted to the program, you will receive an invoice to pay your remaining tuition via credit card/debit within one week (unless you have chosen the payment plan). Late payments for the payment plan option will incur a $25 NSF fee for each late payment. The application fee will be deducted from the full tuition amount.
Price: $50.00
Application Fee